Thursday 20 July 2023


I've mainly done cross stitch recently, but had the burning desire to embark on some embroidery again. I'd say I slightly prefer embroidery in the traditional sense over cross stitch, because I favour the more 'normal' outcomes of the images over the somewhat 'pixelated' look of cross stitch. Of course each technique has its place and I do enjoy them both (surely the sewing tab on this blog is testament to that).

Apparently the last time I finished a full embroidery piece (or at least according to this blog) was October 10th 2021. That's almost two whole years ago!! I had started one since, which is sadly still unfinished and lying firmly in its hoop. I've toyed with the idea of finishing it, but the pencil lines have faded and have not had the motivation to continue with it. The reason I've not let it leave the hoop though is because there's a glimmer of hope I'll get back to it- we'll see!

Anyway, scrolling through the free downloadable patterns on the DMC website, I came across this lovely autumnal design:

I must admit what really drew me to it was the the cute little squirrel, though when tracing the pattern, it didn't come out as well as I'd liked, so had to leave that for now. I do want to still do it though at some point, as come on- just look at!

Instead, I ended up choosing a few of the other motifs and transferring them to my 4" hoop (my 6" hoop is taken up with the unfinished piece- I should really get a reserve one, but not let myself because I didn't ever intend to have more than one project on the go at once)! Using the 4" hoop actually proved to be somewhat advantageous anyway: as it's smaller, I was able to make something more manageable which I could complete in a few days, rather than something larger which I'd be working on for a longer period. As it's an autumnal design, this piece might have been more appropriate to working on in October, but the weather sure feels like autumn at the moment- the temperature has dropped and there hasn't seemed to be a rain free day for weeks! 

I tried out various stitches on this one, along with outlining some of the shapes and not others. Some parts worked better than others, but I was pleased I decided to use more stitches than just satin stitch. I think it gave it a more textured look, plus got me out of my comfort zone. I'm always apprehensive when trying things I'm not sure of the end result and often feel like giving up half way through, but I should have much more self belief, as they usually turn out well anyway...

I've just started another small design, so check back in a week or so if you're interested in how that turns out. Then I'll get back to some rotoscoping- I find both embroidery and cross stitch super addictive and once I've started a piece, I struggle working on other projects until it's done!

Ps. The Women's World Cup starts today and I am super excited- I am going to be sooo distracted for the next month, especially with The Ashes going on as well!! It's coming home (again).

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