Friday 14 July 2023

Cushion #2 and More Sewing

The next sewing project I set myself with my sewing machine was to make a second cushion. Nothing too complex about this task, but after not having used the machine for around about a month, it was safe to say I was anxious about using it again. All my original fears had come flooding back because of the long gap between uses, so I procrastinated starting this one.

Regardless, I bit the bullet as I knew it was something I had to do (so dramatic, I know)! So with the assistance of the instruction manual, I was able to thread a new bobbin (as I wanted to sew using a different colour) and thread the machine. It turned out I didn’t actually need the manual for the machine threading part as I still remembered how to do it and I suppose once you know, it becomes second nature. What I did trip up on though, was winding on the bobbin. I tried twice before getting it right on go three. I had done something not quite right, so it was loose and tangled each time I wound it on the bobbin. Luckily I found out what I was doing wrong before I wasted anymore time/ thread.

After that slightly rocky start, the sewing came quite easily this time. I feel that I had much more control of the machine and found sewing up the sides extremely hassle free, plus I was able to do it very neatly.

This has given me a lot of confidence and I now feel ready to take on a bigger project- hello garment of clothing!

I also ironed the fabric before sewing this time. Mainly because it had several creases in it from the way it was folded, but also because it makes it crisper and nicer to sew and the end result will look neater due to it being flatter. This was also where I got to use my new metre stick- doesn’t my life sound super exciting?! I struggled last time in measuring the squares, as I didn’t have a ruler long enough, so had to improvise. It was so much easier this time round with the proper tools. Would recommend!

Again, like the previous one, I didn’t feel confident enough to do the finished top stitch edge by machine, so I did it by hand. But I am definitely going to schedule in some top stitch practise time, to build up both my skill and confidence using the sewing machine. Like with anything, if I want to get good at it, then I need to put in the work.

I also made myself a new pin cushion. Well technically a ‘needle cushion’ for me, as it’s where I house all my cross stitch/ embroidery needles etc as not really sure where else to put them! Plus I find it more convenient having the needles I use often at easy access, rather than trying to find them each time.

It was to replace this old thing (image below), which I made when I was in hospital several years ago. I didn’t stuff it enough, so it has always been quite soft, plus the stuffing has started to fall out and I don’t really like the material it’s made out of. Additionally, it brings back memories of not the best time in my life, so there’s also that.

Before I made the big cushion, I did a few test pieces on some cut offs, to make sure I had the right thread tension etc and just to get back in the flow of using the machine. I didn’t want to just chuck these pieces away, so decided to make one into this pin cushion. I made sure to stuff it really full this time and I think I did a much better job of doing that. I also decided to finish it with a bit of detail, by using over stitch around the edges. I think this added a super nice look to it, plus doubles up as adding some extra strength to it- being as it’s quite full, I didn’t want to risk the stitching popping open! Not that that’s especially likely to happen, but you just never know…

I’m super pleased with how this turned out and think it makes a nice companion piece to the main cushion. Though because I positioned one of the horses on top, it feels a little barbaric sticking needles in it!

Lastly, a little bit of a fail here. I wanted to try out the ‘one step button hole’ setting on the machine- just as practise and to get more familiar with the capabilities of the machine overall. Though unfortunately, I just couldn’t get it to work. I’m going to go back to it at some point after watching a few tutorials on it- I hate leaving tasks unfinished, so this is something I WILL persevere with. This is what my attempts looked like:

Well I definitely think I packed a lot in this post, so I’ll leave it here (plus I have nothing else sewing related to write about). See you in the next one!

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