Friday 18 August 2023

35mm Photos

I finally got round to developing another camera film. I'd say there were a few decent ones in this batch, but a fair amount were ruined by a terrible lens flare- example below:

The images are also quite high contrast, so the blacks are really dark and hard to pull from in post- I think I should try and remember this when shooting, as it's not the first time this has happened using this camera. I use the built in light meter, but maybe it only goes for the brightest part of the image in the viewfinder, rather than the picture as a whole. I think for the next roll, I'll stop relying on the light meter so much and go off what I know/ my instinct. I've been messing with cameras for a good eleven or so years now, so perhaps I should have more faith in myself and my judgment. Or take the battery out as that will force me to think for myself!

Anyway, below are a few which I quite like (the first one is probably my favourite)!

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