Friday 11 March 2022

'Bear' Animation Week 2

Hello! It’s now the end of week 2 animating on my short film ‘Bear’. And so far I’m keeping up with these weekly ‘round up’ blogs. Small wins and all that! But if I give up at this stage, then something is definitely wrong..!

This will be a significantly less wordy post than the previous week due to time or lack thereof, so here goes…

I completed 6 shots in full, almost completed another and started a new one- which is up from last week. I honestly thought I would fall behind this week, because I lost pretty much a full day on Monday due to unforeseen circumstances, plus I had a couple of days where I didn’t do the full amount of hours due to prior commitments. I know it’s a personal project so there’s no 8 hour work day hanging over me, though I aim for between 6-8 hours as I feel that’s a healthy amount.

I’m really happy at the pace the project is going- I didn’t set any targets in terms of how many seconds a day/ week I want to complete, but I currently don’t feel I need to do that. I think if that’s something I do decide to implement, then it might be further down the line if I feel it’s going too slowly etc, but for now, it’s fine.

I’m also really, really enjoying it- I know last week I had a couple of issues with how it was going, but I put aside the shot which was frustrating me (my boyfriend suggested I did this) and moved onto others. I’ll tackle the harder shot later on when I’m deeper into the project. I don’t have a clip to show for this week, as I was concentrating on the animation rather than any exporting, but hopefully I’ll get one for next time (heads up: I doubt there will be a blog next week due to taking a holiday so don’t wait up)!

Think that's all for now- this has probably been the most uninspired piece I've posted on here for a looonnnggg time!! So if you have only just started reading this blog, then I'd suggest to skip this post and choose a more exciting post- that could literally by any of them!

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