Because the sequence I’m working on currently is so movement heavy (it’s a nightclub scene, so yes, I did actually have to dance), each shot is taking quite long- perhaps a little longer than I initially thought. I hoped they might have all been finished by now, but I definitely need about three more full days on them. But like I said in the previous update, the remaining scene is very static, so that shouldn’t take as long. She says. I think Wed 26th might be a realistic deadline for all the outlines.
I know it seems like I keep extending any deadlines I’m setting for myself, which I guess I have been doing, but I’m not going to work 12 hours each day and burn myself out or impact my mental health in a negative way, just for the sake of creating a film. Which is meant to be a fun, enjoyable process anyway. That’s not to say I want to be slacking either- I think a nice number is around 7 solid animating hours daily, which also gives me time to do the other things I enjoy doing such as skateboarding and cinema, plus getting some walking in as well. Not a chance I’m sitting at my computer all day and not getting out for a stretch of the legs! The deadlines have been quite hard to set when it’s difficult to know how long each section might take to do. It’s easy to underestimate this kind of stuff in the world of animation and err on the side of optimism!
It also pushes my April 30th final completion date into contention. Once these outlines are done, then that essentially gives me just two months to colour maybe around 80-90 shots (not too sure on the exact figure right now as the remaining ones aren’t yet in my tracker), alongside backgrounds for said shots- though obviously some backgrounds can be used on multiple shots. I also want to do at least one other round of feedback, to see if this version of the story lands better than the one I sent out for the animatic way back when. And then potentially have extra scenes/ shots to add if the consensus leans that way. And then I still need to arrange and film the shots with the extras, plus animate those. Then there’s compositing, sound design and score to consider. And I also want to spend some time really developing the background and colour styles, which is something that won’t happen over night. So when I set it all out like this, then two months doesn’t feel enough. At all. Unless I work into the night for two months straight and forfeit anything else I enjoy doing. Which is of course not an option! Some people might be able to do that, but not me. It would have too much of an impact on my mental health, which isn’t always in the best shape as is!!
So with this in mind, I did have a brief re-look at the festival deadlines and costings and see whether it’s best to delay until next festival cycle. An idea suggested by my boyfriend. Which I think is a very valid point. This would mean the pressure is off a bit, and then I can really spend the time making it the best film it can be, without trying to cram everything into a tiny time slot. I’ve made this mistake with previous films to get them ready for unrealistic festival deadlines and therefore hampering the end product. I’m not saying I’m going to be working on my film for years and nitpicking every tiny thing and end up never completing it, but that’s not to say I shouldn’t spend a little more time on it where possible, or at the very least, not rushing it for what is essentially, an arbitrary date. I don’t want to have spent all these months working on it, for it end up falling flat or not be something I’m proud of, especially when I’m the one setting the deadlines/ timescale.
I also need to consider my intentions for the film- which is a ‘calling card’, if you like, for my feature film in order to attract funding/ producer etc. Plus also to improve on my previous short ‘Bear’ in both story and style, along with contributing to my body of work and illustrating who I am as a director. So with the above in mind, I don’t want a rushed piece of work to be a showcase of who I am. I want to be fully proud of this film and be able to screen it without any caveats. Yes it’s a little frustrating to potentially not have it in this round of festivals, but the film itself is more important than that, and if I spend a little more time on it, then it might likely have a better chance at getting selected for more festivals. So yeah, I need to re-read this post if I start doubting or getting all panicked about it! The film will be done when it’s done.
Wow, that was a long speech! I guess I just needed to get it out my system… Anyway, I suppose you know where I’m at with it now. I’m thinking I might try and get a clip out for next week, so there’s that to look forward to- after all it’s been a while. Right, I’m all out of words now, see you next time! x
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