Sunday, 2 February 2025

Short Film: Update #17 aaand that's a wrap!

Ooh she’s only gone and completed all the filming! Well, to the best of my knowledge at this point- the story may require some pick ups or additional scenes later on, but at current, it has all been shot. And I couldn’t be happier! The remaining few shots were definitely hanging over me, so it’s great that I have them all ready to edit and animate.

As these things always do, it didn’t all go quite to plan and I had to rethink a location for one of the scenes. It has actually been rethought (wow, had no idea that was actually a word!) twice now, but I am happiest with the location it has ended up being: it was initially meant to be a shot on a train, but then I felt that was too close to the ending of my previous film ‘Bear’. It was then meant to be in the back of a taxi. Which is what I tried to film on Thursday morning, but getting the angle I wanted in a car was proving difficult, alongside the fact that it was absolutely freezing and extremely windy. So it was safe to say the conditions were not the best for figuring out camera logistics. Never mind trying to get a good performance once I had worked out the shot. Luckily I quickly realised that it wasn’t going to work and I’d have to go back to the drawing board with it, so we hastened home for a hot drink and cosy clothes!

After some further mulling over, I was able to shoot it in the comfort (and semi warmth) of my home, for it would now become an airport departure lounge. Or waiting area, or whatever it’s actually called- I seldom travel by air if that isn’t already obvious at this point! Regardless of semantics, I feel this decision is the right one anyway, as it suits the setting of the story better and I feel it works well on an aesthetic level, too. I guess in filmmaking change is something to lean into rather than push against. There’s always going to be logistical difficulties, especially when shooting low budget, which can force you into different directions and sometimes for the better. I suppose a lot of making a film is deciding when it’s fine to compromise or change direction, but also knowing when not to and when you should persevere with your original plan. I think these kind of decisions come with experience and practise. So if you want to improve, then my advice is to just make a lot of things.

Below is an image of one of the exterior shots I was able to get before the whole car fiasco and a shot I didn’t compromise on. Though the shorts and t-shirt were NOT fun considering the weather conditions! At least I was running though, but still… Seriously, I am making my next film to be set in autumn or winter because those seasons are a whole lot easier to dress for in this country!

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

As filming/ editing was my primary focus this week, the animation has taken a bit of a back seat, so I didn’t a whole lot done. It’s not like I didn’t do any though and I did finish a quite big shot, amongst a few others. Though I feel with all the filming now out the way, I can just crack on with a load of animation and hopefully at this point in two or three weeks time I can say that all the outlines are complete- we shall see…

I touched on celebrating each landmark/ milestone of my film in last week’s update, as to recognise ones hard work is important. So to celebrate the conclusion of the filming, I treated myself to a double bill at my local World of Cine, to watch ‘Saturday Night’ and ‘Hard Truths’- the latter being the one I was most looking forward to, as it was directed by the legend that is Mike Leigh. And I urge you all to go out and watch it- it seems to have a fairly wide release. It’s hard to stop myself from spending so much time at the cinema these days, especially with my unlimited pass! But I really must focus on the animation now or I will struggle to hit my deadline of April 30th. She says, having already booked a matinee showing of ‘The Brutalist’ (3+ hours) next week… Though honestly, that was not one I was willing to watch in the evening or I’d likely fall asleep long before it ends! But I do try and watch the films I want to watch at the end of the day or evening, so I can maximise time spent animating. See you next time xo