Sunday, 26 January 2025

Short Film: Update #16 closing in...

I didn’t get quite as much animation done this week as I’d have liked (I don't know if I ever do), but I did manage to film several more shots/ sequences (including one I was super nervous about), so I guess that sort of balances it all out. I now only have two shots left to shoot- well one shot and one (two camera set up) sequence. Which, hopefully, I’ll get to do next week if the weather plays nice- they are both exterior scenes. In fact, there is one more shot actually in addition to what I outlined above, but that’s with extras only (I am just behind the camera on that one). Though that shot always slips my mind because when it’s not me in front of the camera, I find it nowhere near as stressful!

With closing in on the filming, I feel like that’s such a weight lifted and I can solely focus on the animation.

There isn’t actually a load of outline animation left now, though despite it being nearer completion, for some reason it feels even farther away. I just can’t picture it being done if that makes sense?! But suppose I just need to keep plugging away at it one line at a time and it will eventually be finished. Plus I think one reason it feels so distant now, is that I know finishing the outlines is only one element of it- there’s still the colour, the backgrounds, the compositing and all the other bits left to complete. So I’m probably seeing the finishing of the outlines as only a third of the way through the full film completion, despite it being a big landmark in creating the film.

I should still make sure I celebrate each stage of completion though and appreciate/ acknowledge how far I’ve come, rather than just moving straight on to the next bit. Perhaps I’ll treat myself to a nice day out somewhere once all the outlines are done! Mid February as a realistic target for that sounds good- though it’s always hard to predict with animation as some shots take a lot longer than what you think they might and it’s usually the shots that you don’t expect!

Right, I think that’s all for now. I’ll leave a screen grab down below of one of the clips I shot earlier in the week of what will become the balcony shot. Plus the storyboard image from that scene and the makeshift prop balcony I formed from a clothes drying rack and piece of dowling shoddily taped on! Enjoy!

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