Monday 1 July 2024

Update 1/7/24 (incredibly boring post title)

Goooood morning! Looks like I skipped the whole of June on here- too busy to blog- I guess that’s a good thing though, right?! So what have I been busy with? Another assistant editor contract, skateboarding, attending Sheffield DocFest, watching films, a few little trips away, watching even more films, watching cricket, continuing my super secret embroidery project as alluded to in this post aaaaand storyboarding my next short film. I’m sure I missed out a few things there, too!

When I don’t have anything specific to blog about- I.e. if I haven’t finished any of the projects I’m working on yet, I don’t tend to do ‘update’ blog posts until after a while (like this), because I find that I don’t have much of value to say if I keep up my blog each week purely for the sake of it. Plus it takes valuable time away from the project(s) in hand. Alongside not wanting to give away too many ‘spoilers’, so when I reveal the project once complete, it will feel fresher. Of course this depends what kind of project it is- I don’t mind giving work in progress updates of my longer form projects such as the short films I make etc.

One of the reasons that I blog (other than to create a record of my creative endeavours) is often in retrospective so I can analyse (I’m a sucker for a good bit of analysis) and reflect on what I have created, in order to develop my creative practice (and my personal growth). If a project is not yet finished, then I don’t like to go into depth on it, because you can’t tell whether you have met your aims or ambitions with said project if it’s not yet complete. I’m sure any creatives reading this will know not to cast judgment on your own work whilst it’s still a work in progress because 99% of the time you will probably hate it! When it’s finished, this percentage will dramatically drop and given even more time/ distance away from the project, it will drop further and you will be able to make more measured and constructive comments about your work. And if you still hate it at this stage, then you can hopefully at the very least have learnt something from it, whether that be about your creative practice or yourself as a person.

But as it’s been a while, I did want to put something on here to say I’m still chipping away at my work- the storyboard is almost finished- well the majority of the panels have been drawn. Then I ‘just’ need to turn it into an animatic. After that stage, I’ll give more of a ‘proper’ blog post/ update about it- whereas this is more of a ‘check in’/ hello-please-dont-forget-that-I-exist post! So maybe expect something else towards the end of this month? I think my embroidery project should be done around that time too, so expect something on that as well. Plus, I have a painting thing in the works too. And maybe will try and squeeze in some more football photography if I find the time, so will post the results on here if I manage to get out with my camera at all. Just a few bits lined up for July then!! I also realised that I haven’t done a deep dive post on here about skateboarding before, so perhaps expect that at some point as well? I feel that would be appropriate being as it occupies 99.9% of my headspace at any one time! So, yeah, lots going on. What are you working on? Anything exciting? Hope so!

Here’s a pic of my hand drawing my storyboard with myself as reference:

See you in the next one, be good xo

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