With my new designs, I refined what I had done previously, simplifying the style in terms of how many brushes I’m using (now just the one) and creating a cohesive pipeline of creating said backgrounds. They’re conceptually close to the prior ones, still using the watercolour textured background to contrast with the smooth character style, but like I said, just that little bit more honed. I also kept in mind the colour palette I’m using: which as you’ll see, it has a pastel tone to it, something I wanted to emulate with the look. I feel this would suit both the holiday and hospital sections of the film, and be impressionistic/ atmospheric enough without being too distracting, but also have enough detail so the audience knows what is going on and where the character is. I’ll add a few below:
Despite being pleased with what I have created thus far and having gone through several iterations of each test shot, I’m still just sitting with them for a little while longer before going full pelt at making all the backgrounds, incase I can think of any further ways to ‘plus’ the designs. I have already had a few days away from them, to enable my eyes to view them fresher while I worked on some other background elements, and even after three days away from them, I can definitely appreciate them in new light. And a positive light at that! I actually really like them and think they all work well together. It gives me hope for my film and to be honest, I can’t wait to see how the film plays out, once all the backgrounds are in place. I do absolutely love the look of them!
But, I am going to leave doing them for real for a little longer just incase, though I’m feeling quite certain this is the way forward. In honestly, I think I might be procrastinating a little, too. I’ll admit backgrounds is where I’m least confident in, because I have never had any formal training in animation or illustration, so somehow feel like I am searching for an illusive source of validation, or someone ‘more qualified’ than myself is going to give me some magic ‘go ahead’ to press on with the backgrounds. I feel like what if [my backgrounds] are all just ‘bad’ and that no one is going to like the film because the backgrounds look rubbish or something. But in writing this down, I can see that my thinking here is nonsense. I watch 100s of animated shorts and I basically live and breathe (pardon the cliche) filmmaking/ animation/ art and have seen such a variety of different background styles. Plus I’ve created animation stuff for years and then non-moving art stuff for years before that, so surely I’m qualified myself to decide if I think the backgrounds are right for my film?! You would think so, wouldn’t you… It would be nice if I could stop having such a low opinion of myself and everything I create. Any tips for this, let me know!! Hopefully on next weeks post, I can say that I’ve made a positive start with the backgrounds- fingers crossed!